Supporting the development of agro-ecology

Products essential to the survival of humanity, fertilizers for soils and plants meet the specific needs of professionals in agriculture. Since 1990, FCA Fertilisants has been formulating alternatives to synthetic fertilizers that support farmers in the four corners of the planet. Interview with Sébastien David, Engineer.

How FCA Fertilizers is part of agro-ecology?
Since 1990, the SHFC group, led by Pascal Tronçon and to which the subsidiary FCA Fertilisants, develops alternative solutions to fertilizers synthesis from raw materials of natural origins. Minerals from of co-products from the agricultural industry and agri-food industry which is part of a circular economy. Formulated in spreadable granules, these fertilizers respond to the foundations of agroecology: soil fertility and plant health plants.


40 employees (SHFC Group, 90 employees)
100,000 tonnes of products marketed in 2022
60% in France, 35% in Europe, 5% major export

What is the issue with natural fertilizers?

The different premixes that we produce contain trace elements, amino acids and sugars that bio-activate soil life. They stimulate the biological activity of soils according to their geological and climatic conditions. Through a wide range of products, the challenge is to enable a market gardener in Cameroon, a large cereal grower in Poland or a breeder in Franche-Comté to produce better or more with less synthetic fertilizer. Furthermore, the life cycle analysis of our products and the use of 100% renewable energy allow FCA Fertilisants to benefit from a low carbon footprint.

Find the full article in Capital, September 28, 2023 edition.

Engrais liquides

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les engrais liquides ? Découvrez les compléments de fertilisation foliaires et les amendements agricoles de notre entreprise partenaire Fertilux.