Compare and verify the effectiveness of eco-alternative fertilization solutions


The results of field trials are the result of the brand’s research and development programs. Innovative formulas are created continuously and are made from premixes with Calkorium® and Calkonutrium® patented by FCA Fertilisants.

The efforts employed in R&D stem from a need to respond to various challenges faced by producers around the world. FCA Fertilisants is therefore regularly asked by farmers to develop innovative solutions.


Since its creation, FCA Fertilisants has carried out several hundred tests on the effectiveness of the Calkorium and Calkonutrium formulas offered. Fertilization solutions are first studied in the laboratory, then tested on different experimental farms, partners of FCA Fertilisants. By receiving validation of “good experimental practices”, the R&D department then proceeds to standardize the formulas, allowing the brand to work with marketing authorizations issued by ANSES.

Some tests are repeated over several years so as to be recognized statistically, under various conditions and a great variability of external phenomena: weather, rotations, leaching and others.

Fertilizers and fertilization supplements can thus be offered to farmers in order to adapt to the specific needs and conditions of each crop. These analyses also allow the brand’s experts to offer relevant advice on the basis of fertilization plans adapted to each farm.


Field trials are essential to measure the effectiveness of FCA Fertilisants’ eco-alternative solutions. Two types of tests are possible. The fertilizers and fertilization supplements offered can either be compared to chemical fertilization solutions, or be tested to see the evolution of crop yields compared to a control.

The effectiveness of FCA Fertilisants’ solutions no longer to be proven. The gains resulting from the improvement of the quality of the crops through the use of the brand’s products are clearly favorable and attractive compared to the initial investment in the products.

Maize crop test

+ 22.6% tonnes / ha
The test allows us to see the evolution of corn in the Ardennes compared to a control. The effectiveness of the eco-alternative solution to Calkorium by FCA Fertilisants was tested in localized application. The results are as follows:
  • + 3.3 T DM / ha of corn silage, a gain of 22.6%
  • + 2,791.5 FU / ha, i.e. a potential gain per hectare of 3,490 liters of milk or 620 kg of meat.
  • Soft wheat crop test

    - 20 kg of nitrogen / ha
    The test compared the Calkorium solution from FCA Fertilisants to another 33.5% ammonitrate solution. The comparison was made on a common wheat crop located in the Meuse area of France. The effectiveness of the eco-alternative solution offered by the brand was tested in local application. The results are as follows:
  • Reduction in total nitrogen dose of 20 kg N / ha
  • + 1.5 qtx / ha

  • Engrais liquides

    Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les engrais liquides ? Découvrez les compléments de fertilisation foliaires et les amendements agricoles de notre entreprise partenaire Fertilux.