For optimal plant growth and health


FCA Fertilisants’ Calkonutrium fertilization supplements are innovative solutions, acting on three elements: soil balance, quality and quantity of yields, as well as on the plants’ natural resistance to diseases.
The amount of organic matter, the activity of microorganisms and the optimization of PH are essential to allow the soil to increase the yield and fertility of plants. Calkonutrium allows successful inoculation of microorganisms in soils. Thus, thanks to the action of microorganisms, the plant absorbs nutrients optimally in addition to benefiting from the natural hygienization that develops in the soil. This hygienization is possible because microorganisms take up space in the soil at the expense of pathogens, which makes plants more resistant to disease. This allows the quality, quantity of yields and soil fertility to be increased.
Calkonutrium ® is our premix constituent of our ranges of fertilization supplements added with microorganisms. Each of these microorganisms is deposited at the Institut Pasteur


Calkonutrium is a nutritious premix of microorganisms added directly to the granules of its fertilizers. After spreading, the microorganisms feed naturally before joining their respective ecological niches, thus ensuring perfect inoculation of the soil. The soil inoculation technique specific to FCA Fertilisants is recognized and patented.

Once the granules are spread, the micro-organisms are active enough to occupy the space in the soil and limit the development of pathogens. This has the effect of protecting the plant against diseases, and of generating a natural hygienization of the soil. The micro-organisms added to our Calkonutrium formulas are selected specifically according to crops, plants, climate and soils. They also benefit from a marketing authorization, issued by ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety) allowing them to be mixed with fertilizing materials.

In addition to strengthening plant health, Calkonutrium allows inoculated microorganisms to grow and work sustainably in the soil. This action promotes the establishment of eco-responsible fertilization, which has the effect of transforming organic matter into:

  • Humus, which increases the hydro-mineral storage capacity of the soil.
  • Natural nutrients directly available for plants.
The Calkonutrium rebalances, hygienizes and energizes the organic life of each culture. Its action offers qualitative, quantitative, and sustainable yields by protecting plant health and our environment.
Fertilisants ble

Your soil test

Soil analysis is a prerequisite that identifies the elements that should be spread to ensure the natural balance of your crop, and to meet the specific needs of your plants.
Did you know ? According to the International Plant Protection Convention, the spread of pathogens continues to increase internationally. In addition to identifying the elements required to rebalance your soils, the analysis helps to determine the presence of possible diseases.
Contact us for a lasting improvement in your quantitative and qualitative returns.


Fertilisation calknutrium

Fertilization supplements with Calkonutrium

The range of Calkonutrium fertilization supplements is made from natural raw materials, including microorganisms deposited at the Institut Pasteur. In addition to hygienizing and strengthening the balance of the soil, its contribution consolidates plant health by allowing them to fight disease more effectively. Naturally respectful of eco-systems, certain solutions formulated from the Calkonutrium premix have been specifically certified for use in organic agriculture.

The Calkonutrium fertilization supplements offer optimal action on the agronomic balance of the soil and on plant health. They thus make it possible to benefit from qualitative and quantitative returns in the short and long term.


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Engrais liquides

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les engrais liquides ? Découvrez les compléments de fertilisation foliaires et les amendements agricoles de notre entreprise partenaire Fertilux.