

A sugar beet producer must be able to benefit from a high-yield crop with the maximum amount of sugar per hectare. The yield and sucrose content of beets are determined by the amount of solar radiation captured during the plant’s growth process.

In order to succeed in optimizing the results of their productions whatever the weather conditions, farmers set up specific agronomic practices. These practices aim to promote the rapid development and quality of sugar beet crops. The preparation of the soil, the quality and emergence of seeds, the development of the plant, and the spacing between the sowing lines are all points to consider in the reasoning of the agronomic strategy to be used.


The cultivation of sugar beet is very sensitive to the pH of the soil. Aiming for a pH close to neutral ensures a good level of sucrose yield in the plot. This has a favorable impact on:

A well-structured seedbed also guarantees rapid plant emergence, which results in high and quantitatively high yields.

Are you interested in personalized advice? Find out how to improve the sucrose yield level of your production while successfully establishing your crop according to its specificities.

For a better production

The Calkorium fertilizers and the Calkonutrium fertilization supplements offered by FCA Fertilisants facilitate the proper installation of the crop as well as the assimilation of nutrients by beets.

The brand’s fertilization solutions stimulate the development of microorganisms in sugar beet crops. These microorganisms allow soil inoculation, which facilitates the increase in the quantity of natural nutrients as well as their absorption by the plant. Among the nutrients that develop: organic nitrogen, macro elements or even trace elements. Essential for stimulating the biological activity of soils, these elements also rebalance the pH of the soil, ensuring optimal growth of beets.

By using these solutions, the valuation of sugar beet production increases. The quantity and quality of beets are higher, in particular via a better concentration of sucrose.

Engrais liquides

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les engrais liquides ? Découvrez les compléments de fertilisation foliaires et les amendements agricoles de notre entreprise partenaire Fertilux.