FCA Fertilisants and Fertilux : a key link in integrated soil fertility management in the African continent

The African Union on fertilizers in Africa, which met in Abuja (Nigeria) in 2006, resolved to increase the average level of fertilizer use from 8 kg/ha to at least 50 kg/ha by 2015 and to improve farmers’ access to fertilizers in terms of price and distribution networks.

Ten years later, the level of fertilizer use remains low and far below the Abuja targets. At the same time, several reports on the long term by regional technical experts show that the soil can be depleted of certain nutrients when the use of mineral fertilizers is unbalanced, for example, when large quantities of nitrogen fertilizers are used without a reasonable use of P and K inputs and a good soil organic matter management.

Through their patented know-how in soil life biostimulation technologies, FCA Fertilisants and Fertilux enable farmers to take the initiative towards a naturally fertile agriculture by following three principles:

  • Enriching soil fertility
  • Increasing the effectiveness of inputs
  • Decreasing the environmental impact

Read the full article – octobre 2019

From Farmes Review Africa magazine

Engrais liquides

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