Several countries, NGOs, and associations came together in the framework of COP 22 around the 4 per 1000 Initiative to define the strategic axes of support for initiatives acting concretely in favor of carbon storage in soils.
For years, FCA Fertilisants has supported the 4 per 1000 initiative by offering eco-alternative fertilization solutions to Calkorium and Calkonutrium. These solutions are rich in premixes, a precursor of the microbiological activity of the soil and in a microbial pool beneficial to the transformation of organic matter. Today FCA Fertilisants therefore has the privilege of becoming a member and partner of the movement! See the list of members.
An official partnership
The companies in the initiative are implementing actions allowing carbon storage in the soil, as well as the concentration of CO2 in the air, responsible for global warming. By becoming a member and partner of this movement, FCA Fertilisants is committed to continuing its actions aimed at reducing CO2 linked to human activities in the atmosphere.
The 4 per 1000 Initiative: a global challenge
Increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils is a major global challenge for:
- Fighting global warming
- Ensuring agricultural productivity, vital for ensuring food security for the global population that will reach 9 billion people 2050.
One of the causes of the greenhouse effect and the acceleration of global warming is the emission of CO2 linked to human activities.
The power of photosynthesis
About 30% of this carbon dioxide is captured through the photosynthesis of plants. By breaking down under the influence of soil organisms (earthworms, fungi, bacteria …) this plant mass is transformed and feeds the buffering capacity of soils in the form of humus.
An essential constituent of the clay-humic complex (the soil reservoir), it increases the retention of water and mineral elements and participates in the structuring of soils and the growth of plants. Humus is therefore the first link in a chain that goes as far as human food.
Increase the rate of organic matter in the soil
By increasing the carbon stocks in the soil by 0.4%, that is to say the rate of organic matter in the first 30 to 40 centimeters of the soil, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere would be considerably reduced and would help to respect the objective of limiting the rise in temperatures to + 2 ° C. It is beyond this threshold that the IPCC considers that climate change would become very significant.